Friday, October 4, 2019

Next Shop Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Next Shop - Assignment Example Next takes a long term view while deciding for its actions and ensures that its suppliers adhere to the same level of commitment too (Next Corporate Responsibility Report, p.3). It would be worthwhile to understand the operations of next before we delve into how the company trains and develops its employees to adapt to the market challenges. Understanding Next's Business Currently, companies are required to operate in the most challenging environment as they need to address complex set of issues for their business, for their customers, the environment in which they operate and the suppliers that they depend upon. Next fully realizes that these aspects cannot be tackled without taking into consideration its people on the job. With average 278,000 transactions done in a day, ‘Next’ claims to have 3 million active customers with them. With turnover of ?3,441million in the year ended January 2012, Next’s operation are spread in 7 countries with 26 its own stores and 1 64 overseas franchise stores in 27 countries operating in Asia, Africa and Europe continents. To cater to the customers efficiently and in time, ‘Next’ has established warehousing and distribution division. Next depends upon its suppliers to cater to the needs of its customers; at the same time, employees form a most crucial and strong link to service its valuable customers (Next Corporate Responsibility Report, p. 5-6). Next’s special emphasis on training and development of its employees should be seen in this perspective. Approach towards its People ‘Next’ believes in attracting and retaining the right people across all levels considering them a most valuable asset for the growth of the company. The company is committed to provide a healthy environment to its employees so that they can thrive in their personal and professional development. Moreover, the company works towards providing an environment where all employees are treated fairly, supported , respected and motivated so that they could reach to their full potential. The company has developed certain policies for training and the development of the employees. The company upholds basic human rights and follows International Labour Organisation (ILO) core conventions. Employees are imparted basic training so that they understand these principles. The company is well aware that committed employees can help grow the organization by delivering excellent services to the customers (Next Corporate Responsibility Report, p.16). Code of Practice Next lists key principles that speak about its employment policies. They are: Healthy and safe working conditions; reasonable working hours; equal opportunities; proper wages and benefits; no forced labour; employment security; no child labour; proper treatment to employees; and freedom of association to employees. Next applies above principles in each of the countries that it operates in and also insists on its suppliers that they also ad here to these norms (Next Corporate Responsibility Report, p.7). Safe Working Conditions Next gives top priority to the Health and safety of its employees. Next has taken necessary measures to protect their employees from high risk areas such as ‘falls from height’, construction and maintenance activities, vehicle movements, fire and many more. Next makes it very clear in its contracts with

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